08 September 2010

how time flies?
RAMADHAN will leave us soon.
and SYAWAL takes place.

this SYAWAL will be a lil bit different for me and the family as my BIG BRO is abroad. he will not be able to be with us as since the exam is just around the corner. BUT, he will be back end of this year. so..my RAYA routine will be different because i dont need to prepare his BAJU MELAYU as usual and wake him up. haish..

well its ok..hope next SYAWAL we will celebrating it together. enough on that..no sedih²!!?macam la x boleh ym, skype segala.. so guys, wish all of you a Happy Eid Mubarak, may you will have a peaceful SYAWAL and my apology for every wrongdoings, jokes or whatever harsh words slipped from my lips that might hurt any of you in anyway..sincerely form the bottom of my heart.

x o x o

04 September 2010

yeay!!!my blog has a new template...
thou the template & design is so not suit with my blog title, but who cares??
its mine!!!ngeee~~~

a pre raya balik kampung
bringing back all the kuehs ordered
all the duets raya.
still in budget

so guys
since hari raya is just around the corner
and the school holiday is just started
drive carefully for those who driving back home
spend wisely
and see ya in the next entry for hari raya

x o x o