10 December 2010

hello bloggie..
long time no see
sorry ive been ignoring u like ages
ive been cheating on u all this while
with him
but i dont i want to ditch u
someday ill get back to u
ok dokie?

08 September 2010

how time flies?
RAMADHAN will leave us soon.
and SYAWAL takes place.

this SYAWAL will be a lil bit different for me and the family as my BIG BRO is abroad. he will not be able to be with us as since the exam is just around the corner. BUT, he will be back end of this year. so..my RAYA routine will be different because i dont need to prepare his BAJU MELAYU as usual and wake him up. haish..

well its ok..hope next SYAWAL we will celebrating it together. enough on that..no sedih²!!?macam la x boleh ym, skype segala.. so guys, wish all of you a Happy Eid Mubarak, may you will have a peaceful SYAWAL and my apology for every wrongdoings, jokes or whatever harsh words slipped from my lips that might hurt any of you in anyway..sincerely form the bottom of my heart.

x o x o

04 September 2010

yeay!!!my blog has a new template...
thou the template & design is so not suit with my blog title, but who cares??
its mine!!!ngeee~~~

a pre raya balik kampung
bringing back all the kuehs ordered
all the duets raya.
still in budget

so guys
since hari raya is just around the corner
and the school holiday is just started
drive carefully for those who driving back home
spend wisely
and see ya in the next entry for hari raya

x o x o

31 August 2010

sudah lame tidak ber-blogging.bukan x de benda nak citer, banyak giler..tapi nampaknya keMALASan melanda.sebab puasa ke?x kot..ntah..tapi sekarang boleh digelar STALKER yang berjaya. jadi hari ini digagahkan juga diri untuk menaip apa yang patut.

life seperti biasa.tiada perubahan.
every weekend pun balik.naik bas, turun naik bas.orang lain sudah berkenderaan sendiri, diri sendiri masih lagi mengharapkan kenderaan awam.tapi masih bersyukur.ada lagi orang yang masih tidak mampu berkenderaan awam.ada pula yang sudah lengkap dengan rumah selesa, kenderaan sendiri masih tidak rasa puas.yela..lumrah manusia, tidak akan pernah puas dengan segala apa yang dimiliki..termasuklah diri sendiri.

owh..berbalik kepada profession terbaru, STALKER yang berjaya..maka
berjaya la stalking kawan-kawan atau kenalan-kenalan lama di MUKA BUKA.haish...hina rasa diri ini.rase x nak dah kuar rumah.MALU tau x?!!!tapi x boleh, klau x kuar rumah, macam mane nak berjaya??macam mane nak cari duit??walau pun sekarang semua di hujung jari je, kalau x kuar rumah boleh jadi giler tau x??!!!jadi x bagus ye attitude sebegitu.kita ubah mentality kita.secara positifnya jadikan ia sebagai pembakar semangat.boleh ke berpatah balik??MEMANG x la..jadi, terus maju ke hadapan.masih belum terlambat.tapi haruslah dengan usaha.klau hang dok saja, taip sana, taip sini, stalk orang sane, stalk orang sini, memang la x jadi..tu MAT JENIN!!paham??!!!

cukup untuk itu..sangat cliche.beberapa kali di-blogkan.owh..hari ini genap TAHUN ke 53 KEMERDEKAAN NEGARA kita.lame ok..tapi merdekakah kita?x tau la ye..perkara ini sangat subjektif..sesetengah mereka rase merdeka adalah apabila kita tidak lagi dija
jah oleh kuasa asing..tapi maksud jajah itu juga terlalu subjektif.secara luaran atau dalaman.? fizikal atau mental??terpulang lah kepada individu mentafsirkannya sendiri.yang penting diri sendiri hendaklah diMERDEKAkan terlebih dahulu. buat masa ini hargailah kemerdekaan negara yang telah dikecapi selama ini, bukan mudah..memang bukan mudah.untuk mengekalkannya juga bukan mudah.memerlukan kerjasama dari semua pihak.rasa tanggungjawab kita terhadap negara..YESSS!!


mereka bersungguh2 membuat persembahan sempena hari kemerdekaan negara, tapi diri ini duduk bermalas-malasan di rumah sambil membuang masa.haish..

x o x o

25 August 2010

Sempena bulan Ramadhan ini, adalah lebih baik saya berkongsi perkara-perkara yang mungkin jarang sekali saya tuliskan di blog ini. Semoga ia boleh membantu kita semua untuk menjadi insan yang lebih berguna. InsyaAllah..

11 Jenis manusia yang didoakan oleh malaikat

Orang yang sedang duduk menunggu waktu solat.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda maksudnya: "Tidaklah salah seorang antara kalian yang duduk menunggu solat, selama ia berada dalam keadaan suci, kecuali kalangan malaikat akan mendoakannya: 'Ya Allah, ampunilah ia. Ya Allah sayangilah ia.'"

Orang yang berada di saf depan solat berjemaah.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya Allah dan kalangan malaikat-Nya berselawat ke atas (orang) yang berada pada saf depan."

Orang yang menyambung saf pada solat berjemaah (tidak membiarkan kekosongan di dalam saf).
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya Allah dan kalangan malaikat selalu berselawat kepada orang yang menyambung saf."

Kalangan malaikat mengucapkan 'amin' ketika seorang imam selesai membaca al-Fatihah.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda maksudnya: "Jika seorang imam membaca...(ayat terakhir al-Fatihah sehingga selesai), ucapkanlah oleh kamu 'aamiin' kerana sesiapa yang ucapannya itu bertepatan dengan ucapan malaikat, dia akan diampuni dosanya yang lalu."

Orang yang duduk di tempat solatnya selepas melakukan solat.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Kalangan malaikat akan selalu berselawat kepada satu antara kalian selama ia ada di dalam tempat solat, di mana ia melakukan solat."

Orang yang melakukan solat Subuh dan Asar secara berjemaah.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda maksudnya: "Kalangan malaikat berkumpul pada saat solat Subuh lalu malaikat (yang menyertai hamba) pada malam hari (yang sudah bertugas malam hari hingga Subuh) naik (ke langit) dan malaikat pada siang hari tetap tinggal.

"Kemudian mereka berkumpul lagi pada waktu solat Asar dan malaikat yang ditugaskan pada siang hari (hingga solat Asar) naik (ke langit) sedangkan malaikat yang bertugas pada malam hari tetap tinggal lalu Allah bertanya kepada mereka: "Bagaimana kalian meninggalkan hamba-Ku?"

Mereka menjawab: 'Kami datang sedangkan mereka sedang melakukan solat dan kami tinggalkan mereka sedangkan mereka sedang melakukan solat, ampunilah mereka pada hari kiamat.'"

Orang yang mendoakan saudaranya tanpa pengetahuan orang yang didoakan.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Doa seorang Muslim untuk saudaranya yang dilakukan tanpa pengetahuan orang yang didoakannya adalah doa yang akan dikabulkan. Pada kepalanya ada seorang malaikat yang menjadi wakil baginya, setiap kali dia berdoa untuk saudaranya dengan sebuah kebaikan, malaikat itu berkata 'aamiin dan engkau pun mendapatkan apa yang ia dapatkan.'"

Orang yang membelanjakan harta (infak).
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Tidak satu hari pun di mana pagi harinya seorang hamba ada padanya kecuali dua malaikat turun kepadanya, satu antara kedua-duanya berkata: 'Ya Allah, berikanlah ganti bagi orang yang berinfak...' "

Orang yang sedang makan sahur.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya Allah dan kalangan malaikat-Nya berselawat kepada orang yang sedang makan sahur."

Orang yang sedang menjenguk (melawat) orang sakit.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya: "Tidaklah seorang mukmin menjenguk saudaranya kecuali Allah akan mengutus 70,000 malaikat untuknya yang akan berselawat kepadanya di waktu siang hingga petang dan di waktu malam hingga Subuh."

Itulah antara mereka yang mendapat doa malaikat. Semoga kita termasuk dan tersenarai sama.


18 August 2010

alhamdulillah..we have been fasting for 7 days..and today is 8 Ramadhan.

this RAMADHAN brings a lot of joy to our family. my sister BEDAH has safely delivered a beautiful princess on 3rd of RAMADHAN. so NONA , no more extra attention for you!!hahaha..as the newborn baby has arrived, the upcoming SYAWAL will be merrier and there goes my pocket. huhu!!!its ok..only for SYAWAL.. lalalalalalalala

my name is Areesara Hannah
u can call me aieesya just like my granny
or u can call me asarichan as we look alike..

fasting so far is so enjoying.Alhamdulillah...except for the first two days where i had migraine. maybe because i was not taking SAHUR. and for the record, im still not going to the Pasar Ramadhan yet. has been performing Terawih..but only 8 rakaat..huhu. insyaAllah i'll perform 20 rakaat at least once in this RAMADHAN..hihi.

ok guys. happy fasting!!bai~


10 August 2010

Do'a malaikat Jibril menjelang Ramadhan
Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:

Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada)

Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri

Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.

Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amin sebanyak 3 kali.

Kepada semua keluarga, rakan-rakan atau musuh (sekiranya ada) juga kenalan
mohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya terdapat kata² serta perbuatan saya yang tidak disenangi atau mungkin mengguris hati serta perasaan kalian

terutamanya NORAZILA JOHAN..
saya betul² minta maaf atas satu benda yang nampaknya sangat membuatkan anda terasa hati dengan saya
kerana awak masih lagi mengingati perkara itu walaupun sudah lama berlalu
tapi saya memang sudah tidak ingat apakah satu benda itu
tolong maafkan saya

semoga RAMADHAN ini kita beroleh keberkatan dariNYA
dan menjadi insan yang lebih baik


ikhlas daripada saya

08 August 2010

Sesungguhnya dalam hidup kita dikelilingi oleh perkara-perkara yang menyeronokkan. Tetapi itulah sesungguhnya yang mendatangkan keburukan kepada kita. Dibawah ini terdapat 20 perkara JANGAN yang seharusnya kita ambil ikhtibar. Tidak dapat dinafikan ada terdapat perkara-perkara yang terkena pada saya sendiri.

Tetapi sebagai umat ISLAM, kita harus saling ingat memperingati diantara satu sama lain dan memandangkan bulan RAMADHAN bakal menjelang, marilah sama-sama kita berkongsi ilmu. INSYAALLAH. mungkin ramai yang sudah tau..tapi x kesahla..

1. Jangan sengaja lewatkan solat. Perbuatan ini Allah tidak suka. Kalau tertidur lain cerita. (terus terang saya cakap, ini memang selalu saya buat...astaghfirullahaladzim)

2. Jangan masuk ke bilik air tanpa memakai alas kaki (selipar). Takut kalau-kalau terbawa keluar najis,mengotori seluruh rumah kita. ( yang ini alhamdulillah..saya memang rasa janggal kalau tidak berselipar ke bilik air)

3. Jangan makan dan minum dalam bekas yang pecah atau sumbing. Makruh kerana ia membahayakan. (kadang2 ada buat)

4. Jangan biarkan pinggan mangkuk yang telah digunakan tidak berbasuh. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan. (ini memang pantang saya kalau ada pinggan x berbasuh di sinki...jadi pada sesape yang malas membasuh pinggan lepas makan, jgn amalkan ye!!)

5. Jangan tidur selepas solat Subuh, nanti rezeki tertutup (kerana berpagi-pagi itu membuka pintu berkat). (dulu saya kerap buat ini, memandangkan saya masuk kerja lambat...tetapi alhamdulillah sekarang dah jarang sebab masuk kerja awal..tapi kalau cuti kadang2 buat juga..heeee.)

6. Jangan makan tanpa membaca BISMILLAH dan doa makan. Nanti rezeki kita di kongsi syaitan. (nauzubillah)

7. Jangan keluar rumah tanpa niat untuk membuat kebaikan. Takut-takut kita mati dalam perjalanan buat keburukan atau maksiat. (nauzubillah..baru tahu)

8. Jangan pakai kasut atau selipar yang berlainan pasangan. Makruh dan mewarisi kepapaan. (setakat ini belum pernah lagi..kecuali tersalah pakai la..)

9. Jangan biarkan mata liar di perjalanan. Nanti hati kita gelap diselaputi dosa. (ini habit saya la..alamak, kena buang)

10. Jangan bergaul bebas ditempat kerja. Banyak buruk dari baiknya. (ini pun macam saya juga..tapi saya mmg tiada niat apa2..mudah2an tiada apa2 la ye)

11. Jangan menangguh taubat bila berbuat dosa kerana mati boleh datang bila-bila masa.

12. Jangan ego untuk meminta maaf pada ibu bapa dan sesama manusia kalau memang kita bersalah.

13. Jangan mengumpat sesama rakan taulan. Nanti rosak persahabatan kita. Hilang bahagia. (pernah buat..astaghfirullah)

14. Jangan lupa bergantung kepada ALLAH dalam setiap kerja kita. Nanti kita sombong apabila berjaya.Kalau gagal kecewa pula. (insya ALLAH)

15. Jangan bakhil untuk bersedekah. Sedekah itu memanjangkan umur dan memurahkan rezeki kita.

16. Jangan banyak ketawa. Nanti mati jiwa. (ini pun saya)

17. Jangan biasakan berbohong, kerana ia adalah ciri-ciri munafik dan menghilangkan kasih orang kepada kita.
(ini pun pernah buat)

18. Jangan suka menganiaya manusia atau haiwan. Doa makhluk yang teraniaya cepat dimakbulkan ALLAH. (setakat ni x pernah lagi..walaupun takut kucing.huhu)

19. Jangan terlalu susah hati dengan urusan dunia. Akhirat itu lebih utama dan hidup di sana lebih lama dan kekal selamanya. (tapi memang selalu pun susah hati)

20. Jangan mempertikaikan kenapa ISLAM itu berkata JANGAN. Sebab semuanya untuk keselamatan kita. ALLAH lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba ciptaannya.

sama-samalah kita renung-renungkan dan bermuhasabah diri.

06 August 2010

there will always be

an "IF" in LIFE


an "OVER" in LOVER

an "END" in FRIEND


01 August 2010

perhaps u would be a bit surprised if u knew how often the wording of a song will make me think of you

perhaps this song

yes i know. ive been blogging too often lately.it's all because that feeling.
his fault

31 July 2010

i really do not know what the hell am i doing
im totally stupid and crazy for waiting and loving someone who dont even care about me
i know
not everyone i love
will love me back

why it is so complicated?

maybe there are some reasons why i still not over him
is it because i cant or is it because there is no one else?

im sick & tired for being sick & tired

should i be anti-love

would i dare letting it show?

yeah..i wish

ive recovered for a while
but all the sudden
it come back

though at that time i always said

a friend is all you'll ever be
but im always secretly wish
the way u want her would be the way u want me

and i had succeed to hide it


29 July 2010

my mother always says that most of my friends are so stylo..but not me.haha..mesti korang bangga kan?menyampah.but that's not the point.the point is they never make a rule or any criteria to befriend with them like "u have to be as stylo as us...baru u boleh join us".never!!!as i can easily make friends, so are they because we dont judge people from their appearance...ada la sket2 kutuk orang punye style, but that was for fun and that's it!!but if someone like to befriend with us we'll welcome it.BUT..do not mess with us!!some of us might want to make friend because of they have their own agenda.i dont know..maybe they want to be glamour or what, to dress like someone, to get someone...whatever!!which is not right as they are not sincere in their friendship.true friends will always be on your side in whatever situation you are in.happy & sad.luckily i have that kind of friends and mish them so much. i thank you all and im so grateful to know u guys. they might be seen as gila-gila, sexy or whatever but they are so kind hearted. seriously...i dont mind what others gonna say, but im so proud to know them and to admit that they are my friends!!!ok..jangan nak kembang sangat!!!

::dia ni penghibur hati semua orang::

::dia ni sangat pemurah dan suka tolong orang walaupun selalu berlagak brutal::
yess..she's married & that her husband.huh..

::dia ni kecik je tapi garang, kerex plak tapi dia memang baik hati::

i really mish you guys!!
thanx for always be there


28 July 2010

lets just fall in love~again

you belong with me

lately, if u guys notice..and i bet u guys did, the news is on the same matters. murder. Ah Long. politics. and all that. buhsan kan?buang bayi...is like a must topic in the news. where the hell is their humanity?did the leave it somewhere?i really dont understand human nowadays. baby is the most cutest creature on earth, how could they just dump them?ya ALLAH..at least leave it somewhere at mosque or in front of people house, but dont, please dont dump them at the garbage, drainage or river, flush them in the toilet...haishhhh.that is so wrong!!!totally wrong!!obviously u have made mistake and dont double it. i rather now watch other programme than watching the news. it will make my heart ache.

i was dreaming something funny yesterday.haha..sumpah funny. told mama about it. mama pun gelak. people said if we dream on something and we can remember the dream, it will never come true!so..that's it!!heeeee...bai~

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26 July 2010

resting at home for almost three weeks, i was accompanied by Hagemaru, Asarichan, Fukuchan, Oprah, Kardashian, Giuliana & Bill, Putera Shazlan, Kimora, Cahaya, Alisa and many more. thanx a lot to Astro for keep on repeating the same tv programme for a quite long period.huhu.believe me.. i can watch the all three CSI, i can watch Kardashians' Marathon the whole day until my back pain.haha..what to do..i couldnt go out as i cant..well, u know im supposed to stay at home to rest.that is why i keep on watching television and keep on exploring the programme.haha..

but lately..i dont really know, is it because of im~
getting~older~the~hormone~is~not~stable~as ~said~by~doctor, ive become so sensitive.even when i was watching some kind of drama pun, i can simply cry..haiya.what a shame?!!x maxho ar bai?!!!seriously..im so touching-touching now u know..i just noticed when i was watching the finale episode of CSI where dr Jekyll has been tracked and he told the CSI the reason why he killed those people.my tears simply went out..cant u imagine??!!it just CSI!!and i was crying watching it?!!duuhhhh..owh but then, unfortunately dr langston was stabbed by nate haskell..so the possibility for grissom to come back is high!!weee~huuuu!!!baru la besh!!grissom is my best CSI!!!i dont like horatio..because he like macho-cool-with-his-sunglasses-but-lazy-to-work-at-the-lab man..not good ye!!new york team is better..for me.

another thing is this should not be blogged as this showed that im supposed to hate him and this also was officially shown that how much pain ive feel after officially he changed the status...kan?and then i keep on blogging the same thing.haiyaaaa...dun have la.its simple.he has your number, he knows your house, he can buzz you when you are online, he can text you after he changed again his status...if he really wants you seriously.BUTTTTT..did he ever do one of those thing said above?!!!!!NOPE!!!so..what the heck uve been thinking of him like he is meant for you!!!!come on la..PUHHHLEASSSE!!let him be..love rally makes people so dumb..even dumber than you can imagine.if he is my destiny..fine, i will accept it.but i wont waiting like crazy for him no more...no baby no!!!ok..cCHILL!!

after the operation and all the check-ups..i realised that ive been eating so unhealthily.doc said that we, human now has a different eating behaviour.which i agreed with him.nowadays has so many fast foods and due to our busy~ness we keep on eating them as it is so FAST!!but the ingredient or content of the food also will make our body so FAST collapse...to make it short, im gonna mish you McD, KFC, Cool Blog and others. we cannot see too often,maybe once in a moon...yess, to leave you is a tough decison for me!!!huhuhu..goodbye..welcome OAT!!Kellogs K!!bole caye ke?!!huh..

the above pix is my primary class mate..Faryna Mohd Khalis.nampak x selempang pink tuh?!!!!nampak x?!!!ANC ok?!!and graduating for MASTER!!!wallawehhhh!!!salute babe!!!im so proud of you.she was MASTERing in AD..who cares?!!ingat buat AD pun senang2 ke dapat ANC??i bet it was so worth for you !!!and for sure your mother so proud of you.anak makcik tipah jual nasi lemak tau!!dont play play ha!!!!faryna..the one that i know was and i believe she still creative.a very shy-shy girl.soft spoken.and humble.but now she proved to the world..[wah!!!over] that she had succeed to achieve her dream with her passion.yessss...art is of course her passion...as long as i can remember, she always received credits for her drawings while we were in primary. CONGRATS!!!nnti aku datang kedai mak ko makan nasi lemak!!hahaha..to see people achievements is great.but to compare is not great but pain.huhu..so, dont compare, but celebrate with them..hopefully you can achieve it yourself!!but just sitting and blogging will never bring you anywhere..it must come with effort!!!x kan x tau kot~!!!!so..start study.but first pay your exam fees..haha.i bet the syllabus has changed.demmit..why la they keep on revising the syllabus??cant you just stick to the old one?!!haiyaaa...so i can complete it faster!!!hahaha..so not related!!!gambatte!!!ok..stop blogging.start studying...bai~

last but not least..
goodbye streamyx!!!
sorry to dump u!!
but u behave so bad!!and ive found ur replacement.


25 July 2010

aku dibesarkan di dalam family yang mana kaum adam membantu kaum hawa membuat kerja rumah.ya betul!!aku x tipu.arwah abah aku akan buat semua kerja rumah yang dibuat oleh kami seperti menjemur kain, mengemas rumah dan yang paling senang membasuh pinggan.walau pun aku rasa adik lelaki ku adalah semalas-malas lelaki di dunia ini, tetapi bila aku duduk dengan orang lain yang ada kaum adam penghuni rumahnya, aku rasa adik lelaki aku tidak lagi layak menyandang title itu.contoh mudahlah, abang iparku sendiri.bila kami terbiasa membasuh pinggan sendiri, tidak kira lelaki atau perempuan, aku jadi 'culture shock' bila abang iparku membiarkan sahaja pinggannya tanpa dicuci di dalam sinki.betul.aku tidak tipu.kami tidak pernah ada pembantu rumah dan kami tidak ada masalah pun.alhamdulillah.dan kami bersyukur kerana dengan cara itu kami boleh membuat kerja rumah sendiri.ok, back to the topic.benda simple like washing the dishes pun tak boleh buat ke?aku sangat marah ok klau ada yang cakap tak reti la.plus ini kan kerja perempuan.hello!!!ada tulis kat mane2 ke yang membasuh pinggan ni kerja perempuan?!!x de kan.so apa salahnya, ko ringan-ringankan tangan membasuh pinggan itu.tapi alhamdulillah abang-abang ipar aku dah boleh basuh sendiri since dah terbiasa dengan kitorang plus dah bernanah kot telinga dengar bebelan mama.muahahahahaha!!!

tapi kan now aku duduk menumpang dengan sepupu ku.aku kekadang jadi marah.semua kerja rumah memang sepupu aku yang buat.memanglah dia surirumah, tapi kalau ko ada kat rumah apa lah salahnya membantu isteri kau yang tersayang tu membuat kerja rumah and tak payah lah nak bossy gila suruh itu suruh ini.macamlah ko x ada tangan kaki nak gerak sendiri.even benda simple like nak makan pun suruh isteri yang amekkan.kamonlah.ok.husband sepupu ku ini adalah singaporean yang kaya dan rumah forever bertukar ganti maid.huh!!!inilah padahnya.samelah macam anak-anak mereka.dulu mereka ada maid, tetapi disebabkan oleh masalah ekonomi mereka tidak lagi mampu untuk hire maid.kadang-kadang aku jadi malas nak tolong sepupu aku sebab aku rase nnti anak dia akan take for granted benda yang aku buat.contoh lah, aku lipat baju ka, aku boleh je nak letak baju tuh kat tempat diorang tapi aku x nak sebab akun nak diorang bertanggungjawab sendiri atas barang diorang.maksudnya, pagi-pagi nak pergi sekolah x payah lah nak terjerit-jerit "kakak, mana baju dalam ain?!!".x perlu tu semua kalau dia tau kat mana die letak barang dia segala.paham x?!!aku memang menumpang, tapi aku bukan maid korang!!!haish..

aku x kesah kalau korang mampu nak hire maid.tapi bagi aku maid boleh membuatkan kita malas, klau ada anak, anak spoiled nak mampus, kita jadi depending sangat kat die, dan x thrill kot klau besarkan and uruskan rumah dengan bantuan orang lain.ntahlah.this is my opinion.macam family aku, parents aku dulu keje jugak kot, tapi alhamdulillah berjaya gak kami dibesarkan.aku salute kot people yang boleh besarkan anak dengan tangan sendiri sambil mencari rezeki dan juga menguruskan rumah without hiring a maid.yess!!dugaan pasti tiba walau macam manapun.mungkin klau ada maid, susahnya begini, klau x demaid, susahnya begitu..ya,tuhan maha adil.aku harap kaum adam di luar sana tolonglah isteri atau kakak atau mak atau makcik buat kerja-kerja rumah yang simple.janganlah nak kate ini keje pompuan or whatever.x rugi.klau yang berumahtangga, insyaAllah akan lebih harmoni, kan?aku harap suami aku juga nanti bukanlah yang tak reti buat benda-benda macam ni.AMIN.

ini mungkin luahan perasaan dan pengalaman aku sahaja.klau ade yang x berkenan, harap mahap la.bai~


18 July 2010

6 days after the surgery.the pain is still there.
it was a new experience to me.being in the operation theater made me fell so numb.i felt like there's no more blood inside.cold and cold.luckily it was a minor surgery.

..everything is getting better.

..ive been paying insurance for all this while, so that i dun have to wait for a long period to have the surgery.

..the lump is not cancer, just because of unstable hormone.

..i got a hunch to do it earlier.

..i have very concern friends.

..i have my mother besides me.

..im so grateful for what's happened.

thanx so very very much for all the pray.
its appreciated.


06 July 2010


dah gemok sangat dah ni..

cane ye?


owh sudah lame rupenye tidak menghapdet blog ini.ya..kehidupan saye bertambah bz atau saya LLB.wakakakakaka...tidaklah, cuma tidak berkesempatan.wah..ayat mcm sekema giler. ye..yang di atas itu adalah jeritan batinku ye!!!!sangat gemok!!totally gemok!!dah kena sumpah kot dengan budak nonin.terlanjur tertaip name budak ni..aku nak hapdet gak ar pasal die. 20/06/2010 aritu FATIMAH ZAHARAH telah selamat dinikahkan sekaligus selamatlah majlis perkahwinannye..ALHAMDULILLAH.ape kena mengena dengan dak nonin plak?owh..budak ini dan bff nye, ttiq telah datang merewang.walau pun aku tau atas paksaan ttiq, tapi aku kagum gak la..especially ttiq.sangat dedicated!!!dak nonin cukup syarat je.ade lagi..aku mmg suke giler bila ARGENT kalah!!!sebab ko sangat konfiden argent akan menang against german!!!ko makan la sotong goreng tepung itu wahai nonin!!!waka waka!!!

ok, next hapdet.arini baru naik opis..semalam cuti.mama soh cuti dengan alasan nak pergi berubat.ok fine..aku ikut je.aku ingatkan berubat ape...rupenye pasal aku x kahwen lg..huhuhu.klakar la mama ni.yela mama risaukan.x pelah aku folo je..so tiga hari berturut² pergi jumpe Cikgu Kasbin.tawakal je la.thanx mama.

yang ni penting.hahahaha..the-so-called-kekasih-gelap yang konon² sudah officially in relationship suddenly sudah tukar status!!!jeng..jeng..jeng..hahahahaa.so aku dgn kepohnya tanyelah..


panjang cer nya..

make it short.

susah ar nak citer.

ok.fine.its ok..

tapi dalam hati sangat jahat.patutla recently mcm forever je memberi komen ke atas status dan post² di fb.rupe²nya!!!aku simpati tapi aku suke!!!JAHAT ok!!!!bertaubat now!!tapi tidak suke juge...sebab aku dah ok dah..dah x ingat pun pasal benda² tu lagi.bile jadi mcm ni, aku sure letih balik!!!!!benci ar...gedik ar ko!!!lalalalaalalalalaalalalala..
dalam hati ade taman
[syok sendirik]
dalam taman ade jalan ati²

30 June 2010

"you are the only exception"

25 June 2010

hi blog~gie!!
long time no see..
life was so busy last two weeks.
sorry i didnt have a chance to visit you.
i'll update you later.
be good!

07 June 2010

::bukan diriku::

02 June 2010

ya Allah.

28 May 2010

its official..

and im always be the one to be left out
thank you so so much

**so lets keep life busy!**

27 May 2010

pin pointing to others is as easy as A-B-C.but you will never learn from that.it is just a way for you to run from reality, run away from admitting that you had make mistakes. there's no one in this world that would never made a mistake.could you please at least just admit you have made a mistake and learn from it?is that so difficult enough to be done?we are human.and that is one of our norms.to be a perfectionist is good but at the same time that you have to realise that it wont happened!acting like you are so great enough really annoys people.i dont care if you said you have a great repo with some kind of high-positioned-people, i dont even a lil bit care.but what i care is when you keep on blaming & pin-pointing to others,and make people see us as lousy-workers, that really makes me so pissed off!!!congratulations as you succeed on that!!seems that it is your specialty!when we did a great job, you said its just a luck, not on our effort.every compliments received will be tailed with you smirky face as if we dont deserve it.everything good that we have did is not a good thing on your eyes.it will always you to be the best and always shared.if you said we never share that is because you never listened to what we have shared.we are nothing to you when you have friends.but we will be SOMETHING to you when you've got no one to rely on!yess..that is what we are to you.and very much sorry we dont entertain this kind of people.say whatever you want to say.because that is you.and i just want to be me.bye!

23 May 2010

if only i could remember one nice thing that u had ever did for me..
but i couldnt
because there's none
a compliment?

the best is i will keep pretending to treat u as a friend
not more than that
a friend to "bang" with
let me the one to be in denial
stupidly jealous when there's someone catches your attention
put those song lyrics that relate to me on my status

no worries
i will never tell anyone
keep pretending that im strong enough to face it
i promise

15 May 2010

im not looking for others' sympathy when i told them what is inside my chaotic~heart.im not also purposely told them helping me to let him know.NO!im just sharing.i want to let it out.i found it works.im sorry if it burdens the people ive told them to.and im sorry if i keep on telling the same story that makes u boring.very much sorry.recently, im kinda sensitive.i dunno is it because the hormone or me getting older~another~year~to~reach~30 or whatever..i really dunno.but i would like to thank them for being a good listener, for all the consolations word and being there for me.it lightens me up a bit.no worries, i wont take it seriously for all the jokes.it just that i hope you can respect on the other party.let me be the one to take the risk and the other party to realise it by himself.its so uncertain!!never mind.

12 May 2010

this is one of my favourite commercial breaks.LOL.yess..everytime i watch it.

09 May 2010

this is fara fauzana..i bet everyone reading this, knows her.i stole her pictures somewhere.i cant remember.she's one of my favorite celebrities.why?because she's so sempoi and slamber!!i like her and the way she bring herself in the industries.she is being herself.she's not hypocrite.i met her once.back then, she was not as famous as today.we met at UiTM's pool.she's a great swimmer!!!yess..she is!!

why im posting this, an entry for fafau..??!!nope!well actually, im scared that i will turn out like her.i have a heavy-bottom figure..just like her.the moment i met her before, her bottom was not as big as today!i wonder, is that happened because she is currently not swimming or what?!!because me tooo had not been swimming for a very long period.i think the last time i swim was on 2006!!dem..that is long enough!!takut x?takut x?huhu..where can i find a public swimming pool that can be easily access by public transport in johor?!!is there any?benci ar macam ni!!any idea or alternative to avoid this happen?!!

my apology to fafau!!im not here to insult ur figure...i think u are confident with ur figure & have a very high self~esteem!but not me.very much sorry!!


ini mama saya. nama die MORNI @ MONI BINTI SUKARI.mama lahir pada 30 Mac 1952 di Parit Raja, Batu Pahat.so mama memang totally anak jawa johor.hehe.

mama dan saya banyak perbezaannya.BANYAK sangat.apa yang saya suka, selalu mendapat tentangan dari mama.kami memang selalu berselisih pendapat.banyak perkara.tapi itukan lumrah hidup.betul x?klau saya x setuju dengan mama, saya selalu diam.kalau saya lawan, nnti boleh jadi perang besar.selalu macam tu lah.bila jumpa je, memang ada je benda yang x kena.tapi bila jauh, baru terasa apa yang saya buat tu salah.x tau lah.masalah memang kat saya kot.entahlah.

tak apalah.walaupun kami selalu berbeza pendapat, mama tetap orang yang menjaga saya selama ini.yang membesarkan saya.penat lelah mencari rezeki untuk membesarkan 6 orang anak.semenjak abah pergi 3 tahun lepas, mama lebih tabah orangnya.mama tak mudah menangis.klau saya nangis, mama cakap tak guna menangis, bukan dapat selesaikan masalah pun.memang betul.tapi saya tidak setabah mama lagi.buat masa sekarang, saya lah orang yang paling lama menyusahkan mama.huhu.memang sedih.tapi saya nak buat macam mana, ini ketentuan tuhan.betul x?

mama selalu doakan saya agar bertemu jodoh.saya juga harap saya dapat bertemu jodoh dan dapat anak sebelum mama pergi.insyaAllah.saya memang selalu sakitkan hati mama.benda-benda kecik pun boleh sakit hati.

walau apapun mama tetap kesayangan saya.saya memang tidak pandai menunjukkan sayang saya pada mama.mungkin sebab ego.ego?tapi mama pasti tahu saya sayang mama.HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, mama.luv u so much!!XOXO.♥

07 May 2010

im trying not to tell u, but i want to
im scared of what u'll say
so im hiding what im feeling
but im tired of holding this inside my head

06 May 2010

im such a GERRRRET pretender
am i?
penatlah melayan perasaan
penat sangat
tapi aku jugak yang nak melayan
i need someone to make me happy
to make me forget with all this shits

30 April 2010

friends leave

25 April 2010

setiap sabtu & ahad
jam 0800 - 1000

ini memang dah jadi kebiasaan aku every weekend.program ni plak dah jadi program kegemaran & wajib tengok untuk aku. x delah best sangat, maybe program ni agak informative kot.entahlah.tapi yang pasti every weekend, jam 8, aku secara automatik akan amek remote, on tv, tekan 1 1 9 untuk tengok program ni.layan la..haha.

24 April 2010

the gents

the ladies

venue: banafee village
time: 1800 - 2200

percubaan perjumpaan bulanan
misi berjaya untuk pertama kali

sangat besh
pertama kali juga berkumpul setelah berkenalan melalui mukabuku sahaja

terima kasih

i will never be you
i will always be me that i know
though im happy being me
i want to get away from this all harsh reality

give me a break
a little escape
i am so tired of being me

i want to be free
i want to be new
and different

anything im not

23 April 2010

i hate the way u talk to me
and the way u cut ur hair,

i hate the way u drive ur car
and i hate when u stare,

i hate the way u always condeming me
and i hate the way u read my mind,

i hate u so much that it makes me sick
it even makes me rhyme,

i hate the way u're always right
and when u're not replying my message,

i hate when u make me laugh
even worse when u make me cry,

i hate the way u're not around
and the fact that u didnt call,

but mostly i hate the way i dont hate u
not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

im trying my best to hate u from now onwards

18 April 2010

when i was first blogging,on December 2007, i was influenced by Maya and i found that it is one of the way for me to express my feelings since im not good to share my problem or whatever chaos inside me with people.yess, i always hide my feelings.people see me as a happy~go~lucky person, but deep inside i am a very sensitive..to be frank, i can easily cry.because of that i really think blogging is the best way to let all the aches inside me out.in other words, blogging is my diary.that is why also i didnt reveal my blog to others until now.so it is not personal anymore.im not here to make people impress of me,besides i know that my english is not so good but i think it understandable.and i admit im not good in making sentences.yess..i hate it.plus i hate all bahasa² thingy.i just like numbers.haha..ok back to the main point.if u are reading my blog u find it so boring, its totally not ur fault.because, me also find that my blog is totally boring..most of the entries are about my sadness and the same thing.because i dun know where to share except in here.why dont i share it with my friends?because i think my problems are not so important for them to know..and the main reason is im so embarrassed with those kind of feelings.

what i wrote in here was all about me.and since some of u is reading this, im scared that u will misunderstand with all the words scattered here and will start judging on me.but to keep all inside will make me crazy..not that bad, im just exaggerating....plus i dun like wake up in the morning and feel like shit. if u know me, u will say that i wont care what others would say on me.pretending that im cool and stoic enough with whatever shits people will talk about me.but the fact is i care and keep thinking on it like every second.so please, if u think all my words make no sense, back off because im sick and tired of caring what u thought of me. not here..not in my blog.and that is why me is the epitome of the gerrrret pretender.thank you.

17 April 2010

now i feel so bad.fb seems so bored for me..log in then stalk.log in and stalk.nothing much to do.since nonin has dumped his i phone, i feel like fb is no longer interesting.nampak sangat c nonin ni penghibur hati aku.sape lagi wa nak gaduh with selain dgn lu nin.sonok weh bang orang.dgn nonin jela aku selalu buat.hahaha..sori nin.tapi dat is so fact which wa cannot deny.pastu now semua orang kat opis yang bg aku makan, yang layan gile2 aku, yang layan mengada2 aku nak bla..so kat fb tu update semua yang menyedihkan aku je.thats why im considering to ditch fb but its the only medium yang boleh menghubungkan aku dgn diorang.

citer pasal orang nak berpindah ni..aku sedeh la.ya memang, wlaupun jauh, still boleh lagi contact since ade berbagai medium nowadays.but still lain kan?lepas ni sape nak panggil aku JAREK lagi klau bukan kak nona..dem aku rase mcm nak nanes!!aku nak beli jajan dengan sape klau bukan dgn kak sal?sape nak bagi aku kuih or biskut free or apa jenis makanan klau bukan kak gie.sape yang aku sebok2 nak kacau or panggil or bagi aku coke die bile beli mcd klau bukan kak eton. sape nak panggil aku makan bekal yang nyayi dia buat, jahit manik, yang aku selalu nganjing, selalu aku dengki klau bukan ct.klau aku yang baru sekejap ni dgn diorang dah terasa gile, apa lagi kak ghozal dan waty.mesti sunyi kan?haih..tapi nak buat cane?this is life.whatever happens, there must be a reason behind
it.yesss..diorang pun kena la move on.x kan nak stay kat situ like forever.but i really enjoyed the time we spent together.a zillion thanks to all of you for always there for me. and more important for always melayan perangai aku yang ntahpape..waktu kacau atau stabil.luv u guys..muahhhhhhhhhhhhxxxx!XOXO

every hello ends with goodbye.its maybe the time to say it, but it will never be the end

to kak ghozal & waty..after this mesti korang rase sunyi kan?x pe aku kan CUM ict, memang nanti aku jela kot yang akan menempel di situ!!huhu..

aku mmg slamber..tp dalam hati konfem ade taman babe

16 April 2010

i dun want to post this actually.but lately i keep on listening to this song everyday..its not everyday, i think almost every hour.what makes it relate to me..?the wording of course. dem i hate this..

"tuhan tolong nyatakanlah, padanya tentang cinta, adakah masih diriku diperlukan.
tuhan tunjukkan padanya, tentang apa yang ku fikirkan, adakah cinta ini perlu untuk dirinya."

dun u think it relates to me?waaaarggh

15 April 2010

dear brain..
sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him.
dear tummy..
sorry for all the butterflies.
dear pillow..
sorry for all the tears.
dear heart..
sorry for all the damage.
im sorry

13 April 2010

i think i am so chronic right now!!
totally so so so unhealthy.
cure me!!
make me feel healthy
and happy!
im tired of pretending .

11 April 2010

im so damn tired of waiting
but i dont know why im still waiting
i tot this feeling wont come back
i was totally so wrong
i just want to scream
say it loud
but i cant
i just cant

jiwa kacau

10 April 2010

i love to cabut rambut gatal!!hahaha..this habit is so cannot resist la..i dont know why but the best moment when me cabut the rambut gatal is when i can feel the curliest or crispiest part of the hair.can u feel it??that moment is the best la..best giler!!i will so satisfy and at one time nak buat research plak on that rambut..haha!!sangat x boleh bla!!tp seriyes...besh!!haha..

what else?owh..i love to smell my nephew's' bantal.of course they are so smelly..but the smell is besh.haha.before i got one.mase study dulu, everyone suka² hati je throw away my bantal as it was so smelly and it had become WATER RESISTANT!!hahaha..hebat x?klau buang kat laut, konfem ikan semua mati...but now the bantal is already gone.x tau p mana.i think mama already threw it away la..back from induction je, the pillow dah x de..tanye semua orang buat dunno je..menyampah!!dengki latuh..but now i need at least satu bantal yang lembik gile to cover my face to sleep.hihi..at home get one, stulang oso get one..the problem is when i have to go outstation.x kan nak bawak bantal lembik kot.so substituting [wujud ke perkataan ini?] it with face towel.huhu..what to do.

i love to lipat baju...but it dun like to put it to its place.paham x?meaning i will lipat baju and then i will leave it just like that..haha!!malas giler kan nak letak kat lemari.tu ar bontot makin besar.dem!!so klau nak lipat baju, mesti ade someone yang volunteer to put it to the right place.deal??

apekejadah ntah yang dibebelkan di atas..x ade kesinambungan langsung.the fact is i try to hide something.try to forget someone.try to not terus melayan that feeling.demmmmm!!!so this entry is so not besh actually.ok bye.

09 April 2010

they love u but they are not ur lover
they care for u but they are not from ur family
they are ready to share ur pain but they are not in ur blood relations
they are FRIENDS

true friend scolds like a Dad, cares like Mom, teases like Sister, irritates like Brother and finally love u more than Lover.

life is hell without friends

sent by her

i think that it will be a waste if i just throw it away
this is to share
the value of friendship

07 April 2010

i really feel so fat!!yes i am.i can feel it.im not comfortable when walking.peha dah bertembung.dem.dem.dem.and the worst thing is that i reached 50.WTH??that is super duper unacceptable.therefore from now on..ill start to stay healthy.a week probation for me.breakfast with only a cup of oat.ill skip lunch.dinner is a bit difficult to skip as i will be tempted with my couz's cooking.shit!!!but ill try my best.and not to forget to drink a lot of plain water.i have too.ganbatte!!!i know i can do it.or else i will turn up like BEDAH!!lalalalalalalalala..bye

04 April 2010

those pix was taken during isma's birthday 5 years back. i guessed
i really miss those moment
and i miss the people.
