27 September 2009

today dah bape syawal ntah?8 syawal..
tomorrow..the big city will get chaotic as usual because mostly tomorrow everyone will start their daily routine.huhu..but not me..lalalalala.
i was purposely apply leave for tomorrow sebab x mo tempoh traffic jammed plis!haha..
this raya as usual..nothing much different.raye kat kampung..arwah abah's and mama's.but on the 2nd syawal we went to Abg Uyen's house at Ulu Penggeli.(Abg Uyen is my cousin.since mama is the youngest, mostly our cousins are like at the same age as mama.hehe).It was a long ~long time ago..we have not visiting his house.like almost 6 years kot.jalan nak g umah pun dah lupe.as we arrived,everyone get excited la..cewah!the kids tok sah cakap la..dan2 je tanye."mane kolam?"haha..tapi mmg besh!
we met iza..after many years x jumpe sebab perkara2 yang tidak dapat dielakkan.tp x kesah la..she's ok now..and pregnant.alhamdulillah.it's not that i want to talk bad on her tapi this is like a lesson & peringatan for all of us.
Mama: Sape yg buat kuih ni za?
Iza: Iza la..kite kan anak pompuan tok su..mestilah nak sumbang lebih.
(Terasa aku..huhu)
Iza: Cik bile nak kawen?
Aku: Susah la soklan ni za..
Iza: Iza dulu cik..belum kawen.melawan je cakap mak.dah kawen baru rase mcm mane susahnye mak nak besarkan kite.
Then Kak di (Mak Iza) interrupt..
Kak di: Die dah tau..(sambil senyum)
I was like..bagus iza ni.let bygone be bygone.at least she learned from her mistakes.Everthings happened for reasons.There must be something good in it.POSITIVEly think!!!